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My Background

Tracee started her massage career in Washington State in 2005, focusing on mostly accident and injury work until she joined with some of her local chiropractors, where she began seeing patients for anything from auto accidents to prenatal massage care, to treating people for issues related to the hours that they spent on their computers at work or injuries from sports and everyday life. 

She has always been into health and athletics and strives to be a bit of a role model for her clients. 


Tracee moved down to San Diego in 2016 for a year before moving back to Seattle to start her own massage practice. After 5 busy and successful years running her business in the PNW, she felt the pull to bring her skills back down to San Diego in December 2022 and has since started Remedy Massage. She feels that both her lifestyle and massage techniques and the energy of the San Diego residents will complement each other greatly!

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My Approach

While I provide various different massage modalities, people tend to come to me for deep tissue work. I call my technique "Stern, but Fair". It's deep enough to break up stubborn knots and adhesions, but the slow, compressive work helps the client to relax during the session, overall helping the body release stress and feel rejuvenated.

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